Works only with Firefox 4 Beta 6 or nightlies!

First we take an image like this one :

<img id="source" class="source-sized" src="image-flickr.jpg" />

Then we clip it as a tiny triangle with SVG clippath and polygon element (and -moz-element to firstly duplicate the element) :

<svg height="0" xmlns="">
  <clipPath id="clip" clipPathUnits="objectBoundingBox" transform="translate(0,0)">
    <polygon id="triangle" points="0.25,0.2425 0.5,0.5 0.15,0.5" />
<div id="triangle" class="source-sized" style="background: -moz-element(#source); clip-path: url(#clip); margin: auto;"></div>

After we create a duplicate mirror of this triangle with CSS transform property (and -moz-element):

<div id="triangle-invert" class="source-sized" style="background: -moz-element(#triangle); -moz-transform: scaleY(-1); margin: auto;"></div>

We may so combine these two triangles to obtain one quarter of our kaleidoscope, using one more time -moz-element CSS:

<div id="quarter" class="source-sized container">
  <div class="source-sized absolute" style="background: -moz-element(#triangle);"></div>
  <div class="source-sized absolute" style="background: -moz-element(#triangle-invert);"></div>

Finally we duplicate this quarter 6 times to obtain a full kaleidoscope, by duplicating it with -moz-element and rotating it with CSS transform property:

<div class="source-sized container" style="background: black; border: 20px solid black;">
  <div class="source-sized absolute" style="background: -moz-element(#quarter);"></div>
  <div class="source-sized absolute" style="background: -moz-element(#quarter);  -moz-transform: rotate(60deg);"></div>
  <div class="source-sized absolute" style="background: -moz-element(#quarter);  -moz-transform: rotate(120deg);"></div>
  <div class="source-sized absolute" style="background: -moz-element(#quarter);  -moz-transform: rotate(180deg);"></div>
  <div class="source-sized absolute" style="background: -moz-element(#quarter);  -moz-transform: rotate(240deg);"></div>
  <div class="source-sized absolute" style="background: -moz-element(#quarter);  -moz-transform: rotate(300deg);"></div>

And the final touch is to launch one CSS animation combined with a CSS transformation, in order to rotate source image!

Launch the rotation!
  var i = 1;
  function launchAnimation() {
    var source = document.getElementById("source"); = "rotate("+(i++*360)+"deg)";
<a href="#final" onclick="launchAnimation()">Launch the rotation!</a>